Sunday, March 23, 2008

Getting to zero with a Bacn folder

One of the challenges of being a new media douchbag is that I (and probably you) get inundated with email. Friend requests, shouts, updates, Flicker notices, Netflix confirmations... it's out of control!

The name for all of this... stuff is now "bacn". Think of it as a form of spam, but spam that is residual, somewhat necessary and completely the result of you (read: ME) signing up for one (dozen) too many online services/cool things/time sinks. Rarely is any of it time sensitive. In fact, it's probably cluttering up your inbox and keeping you from getting to that elusive and fleeting ZERO.

So get rid of it. At least, get rid of it from showing in your inbox. Here's how.

If you use Gmail, follow these directions to the letter. If you use something else, figure out the spirit of what I'm saying and modify it to you own system's ability to "filter".

First, go to your overflowing inbox and identify your biggest source of bacn emails. Mine was Facebook, though Good Reads and Digg were coming in a close second. Click the email.

Next to the "Delete" button near the top, you'll see a pull down with the words "More Actions" displayed. Pull that down and choose "Filter messages like these". Gmail is smart enough to fill out some basic information that you may want to filter agains. Take a look to make sure it's got the correct info to recognize bacn versus legit email. You'll notice the list of "captured" mails based on your filter below.

Click Next Step to really get the magic working -- and to keep this crap from flooding your inbox. Select the following check boxes:

  • Skip the inbox (you're so going to like this)
  • Apply the label "bacn"
  • Yes, you'll have to create a new lable for this. You know how.

  • Also apply filter to ## conversations. (That'll make it work right now.)

    I don't recommend marking it read, as leaving it unread allows the Bacn folder to cause a count of unread messages to display, helping you figure out when to go back and check before it asplodes.

    Some people like to Star certain forms of Bacn, depending on the service. Your mileage may vary, but I'd leave it off.

    Now hit Create Filter and watch your inbox shrink. Rinse and repeat as necessary to get your box in a manageable form. And don't feel compelled to clean this box out daily. I get to it about once a month. Yes, that means I often have over 400 pieces of bacn in there. So what? By definition, this stuff isn't time sensitive.

    Give it a shot. Save you some time. And help with your sanity.
  • Saturday, February 2, 2008

    Brain crack

    Meet my friend Brian Shaler. Brian... jumps. Well, he does lots of other cool shit as well. But he's best known (by me anyway) for his jumps.

    Brian fell in to my trap the other day. What's the trap? Simple. I've talked before how I tend to assume that I'm the smartest person in any room I walk into. But occasionally, I discover someone else in the room who is more deserving of that mantle. And when that happens, I tag that person as a friend and do my best to not only get to know him/her, but also work like a dog to find out how that person and I (and perhaps others) can work together to make something hellaciously cool.

    Why? So that I don't develop Brain Crack. I didn't know that's what I was avoiding until Brian told me about it over lunch a week or so ago. Nor did I know that it was a term coined by Ze Frank back in the summer of '06. But hey, I can't be everywhere at once and neither can you. So if you missed it:

    Image from Adam Nollmeyer, the finest photographer I've had the pleasure of meeting. In the market for a pro-photographer? Look no further.

    Thursday, August 30, 2007

    Here's to the crazy ones

    My new favorite quote, attributed to Johnny Appleseed:

    Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can praise them, disagree with them, quote them, disbelieve them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things.

    Right on. That's me.

    And by the way: the Johnny Appleseed story you were told as a kid is a whitewashed version. Check out Michael Polan's book The Botany of Desire for the real deal. Fantastic book.

    Sunday, July 29, 2007

    Are you selling what they should be buying?

    I've been reading Joe Marchese's Online Spin for some time now. Very good and very dense information on the changing nature of marketing and advertising -- including what it means to even try to advertise in the digital space. Always good.

    Recently, he posted a piece on targeting. I realize that most of my audience probably couldn't care less about advertising. Hey, if it wasn't how I earned a living, I'd be inclined to agree. But many of my readers are content producers of one size or another. Assuming you fit that bill, this may interest you:

    Targeting and relevancy unlock the potential for QUALITY publishers (from individuals to professional media producers) to sell so much more than the attention of their audience and advertisers in order to build effective targeting strategies, offering so much more than just a demographic mix. But publishers must do a better job of defining what their true value is to advertisers and help advertisers to create greater relevance to the publisher’s content and audience alike.

    It interests the hell out of me. I'm not exactly sure how to apply it in our situation at But that's part of the fun, now isn't it?